seem fine

美 [siːm faɪn]英 [siːm faɪn]
  • 似乎不错
seem fineseem fine
  1. Are you sure , because it doesn 't seem fine ?


  2. Well you seem fine now


  3. The main points of the plan seem fine and I think we can gloss over the details for now .


  4. Our skitter 's breathing and heart seem fine .


  5. You seem in fine fettle .


  6. The son of an Italian father and an African-American mother , he once told me that his parents ' divorce when he was six years old was very hard on him - and his way of handling their breakup was to make things seem just fine .


  7. The son of an Italian father and an African-American mother , he once told me that his parents ' divorce when he was six years old was very hard on him & and his way of handling their breakup was to make things seem just fine .


  8. But you seem like a fine young man .


  9. You seem to feel fine about it .


  10. It may seem like a fine line to decide what is and what is not part of the architecture , but this separation is important in allowing us to manage the complexity of the software models .


  11. The frightening thing about Amanita poisoning is the " walking ghost " phase-the period where you seem to be fine ( or getting better ) , but your cells are accumulating irreversible and lethal damage .


  12. When you thaw frozen K.T.and use it to start a new culture , at first it may seem that everything is fine .


  13. But when it comes to what really matters , European businesses in China seem to do just fine : 78 per cent of respondents saw an increase in their China revenues over the past year , and 71 per cent became more profitable .
